Fund Training Sponsorship Program for Partner Institutions
To strengthen professional knowledge and skills, the Fund's Development Facility, created the sponsorship program for the training of its partner institutions. It covers 70% of the costs associated with the participation and attendance of personnel in courses, trainings and high-quality events, focused on financial and environmental sustainability issues.
Who is it for?
Depending on training needs, any employee of a partner institution may be eligible for sponsorships. However, candidates are expected to be in a position to serve as a multiplier of the information received, and to apply the knowledge within their institution.
How does it work?
- The partner institution’s management discusses staff training needs with the Fund contact person (
- Upon consensus on a suitable training course or event (in-house, external, online, conference, etc.), eligible participant(s) will be selected by the partner institution.
- The Development Facility authorizes the request incl. the budget and other conditions of the training, course or event to participate.
- The participant will proceed with the registration to the event and with the travel logistics, according to the budget limits previously communicated. Initially these expenses are paid by the participant/partner institution.
- Upon completion of the training/event, the partner institution provides a reimbursement request together with proof of participation e.g., receipts, boarding passes, hotel booking etc.
- The Fund Development Facility processes the reimbursement request up to 70% of the total costs. The partner institution/participant must cover the remaining 30% of the total cost, as well as extra costs that have not been previously validated by the Development Facility.
What are the costs?
The Development Facility will finance up to 70% of the courses, conferences, or exchange visit participation costs, with the partner institution covering the balance. The maximum cumulative DF contribution for training sponsorships, conferences and exchange visits is limited to a total of USD 8,000 per partner institution per year.
Requirements for reimbursement of expenses:
- Issue an invoice in USD currency (according to the model provided by the Technical Assistance Program) for expenses incurred. For expenses incurred in local currency, please submit the exchange rate as of the date of the invoice
- Submit receipts for all expenses.
- Complete the survey sent by the Technical Assistance Program
- Send copy of certificates obtained (if applicable)
We invite you to review the document below that present a list of courses and events that were pre-approved by the Fund Development Facility.