eco.business Fund invests in the Brazilian market for the first time
Luxembourg and São Paulo, 29 February 2024 - The eco.business Fund, advised by Frankfurt-based impact investment firm Finance in Motion, has granted a loan of USD 20 million to Banco Industrial do Brasil (BIB). This is the first time the fund has become active in Latin America's largest economy. "Brazil's path to sustainability is more challenging, as it is one of the largest suppliers of agricultural products in the world,” says Michael Evers, chairperson of the fund’s Board of Directors. “Through our partner BIB, we can provide financing in the small and medium-sized enterprise segment and pave the way for greater sustainability.” He added.
Small companies in particular are often undersupplied with financing options in Brazil. As a medium-sized bank, BIB has built up a great deal of expertise in this area over the past 25 years. “BIB serves SMEs from eleven locations, including Brazil's most relevant industrial hubs,” says Hector Gomez Ang, the director for the fund at Finance in Motion. The loan granted to BIB by the eco.business Fund is dedicated entirely to promoting sustainable certified production measures in companies in this economic segment, thus helping to close the financing gap.
“Banco Industrial do Brasil S.A. (BIB) is delighted to be the first Brazilian bank to receive the support of Finance in Motion through eco.business Fund. This transaction shows BIB’s commitment towards companies that are concerned with sustainability”, says Guilherme Gottardi, CFO at BIB.
The loan has a term of three years, including a 12-month grace period. "channeling resources through a partner bank such as BIB is one of the alternatives eco.business Fund has to promote and support sustainable practices in small and medium sized companies. However, the Fund also plans to invest supporting companies directly," says Hector. "In a country like Brazil there are plenty of target investments available, and we have a very interesting investment pipeline to support the agricultural and forestry sector in Brazil.", he added.
About Banco Industrial do Brasil
Banco Industrial do Brasil S.A., a Brazilian privately owned bank based in São Paulo, was established in 1994 through the acquisition of Banco Santista. BIB specializes in the financing of SMEs, also works with corporate companies, and it prioritizes the high quality of its loan portfolio by adopting a conservative credit policy. Being awarded as one of the main SME Brazilian banks, BIB was recently upgraded to Ba2 by Moody´s (Nov 2023).
About the eco.business Fund
The eco.business Fund, advised by Finance in Motion, was initiated by the German KfW Development Bank and Conservation International with the support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The sub-fund for sub-Saharan Africa was officially launched in 2020 with start-up financing from the BM Z. The sub-fund for Latin America and the Caribbean was financed by the European Commission as well as numerous other development finance institutions and institutional investors.
More at: www.ecobusiness.fund
About Finance in Motion
Finance in Motion is a global impact asset manager focussing exclusively on sustainable development in emerging and developing countries. The company structures, manages and advises impact investment funds that bring together public and private investors to combat climate change, strengthen biodiversity conservation, promote the sustainable use of natural resources, improve livelihoods and promote economic opportunities.
More at: www.finance-in-motion.com
Media contact eco.business Fund
Media contact eco.business Fund
Mehreen Rafi
Marketing & Communications
Email: press@ecobusiness.fund
Tel: +49 69 271 035-509
Media contact Banco Industrial do Brasil
Guilherme Passanante Bruni
Investor Relations Manager
Phone: 11 3049-9965
Email: guilherme.bruni@bib.com.br