The Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB), published by the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) in September 2019, are designed to guide a bank in strategically aligning its business with international, regional, and national development and sustainability goals, including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement. Many of the Fund’s Partner Institutions (PIs) are signatories of the PRB and hence committed to aligning their strategy to make a positive contribution to society. 

Up to November 2022, the Development Facility (EBF DF) has supported the following PIs in aligning their strategy with the PRB and setting their targets: 

  • Global Bank, Panama 
  • Banco Hipotecario, El Salvador 
  • Banco Promerica, Costa Rica 
  • Banco Promerica, Guatemala 
  • Banco Produbanco, Ecuador  

The resulting action plans address the priority impact areas that were identified through an initial portfolio analysis. These plans will provide PIs with a clear roadmap for next four years on how to close the gaps and advance in the implementation of the PRB.  

Click here for more information on how the EBF DF supports its PIs in the strategic alignment.  


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